I am so easy to send off on a tangent - just put something else in front of me that looks interesting to make and off I go. My good friend, Colleen, unintentionally set me off task with a scarf project and, of course, I haven't been back to my bags since! They are in sight, however, if I don't find something else to get my attention - uh-oh! I forgot about the cereal box sketchbooks I started, but I digress ....
So, let me show you a fast and easy scarf to make -
This is made from one "strand" of "yarn"; it looks like you have knitted lace but in fact the strand that you actually knit back and forth, with only six stitches on the needle at any time, expands to the lacy knitted form that you see here. The Red Heart web site has the colour chart for this yarn, which sells from $3.50 to $6.00 (depends on where you shop) http://www.redheart.com/yarn/boutique-sashay . You only need 1 skein to make a 5ft. length of scarf. And if you stay on task, you can actually complete the scarf in just about 3 to 4 hours. The are several video tutorials on YouTube as well - both for knitters or crocheters; I like the one on the Crochet Crowd channel (you can also find it on the Red Heart site).
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